Sandy area

Artist’s impression of the new entrance for Sandy Secondary School

Artist’s impression of the new entrance for Sandy Secondary School

What was consulted on?

There has already been a significant increase in pupil numbers at Sandy Secondary School, since 2015. Changes have therefore been needed recently to the school site to accommodate the increasing number of students who are seeking places at the school.

A reconfiguration of the school site is therefore required to enable the school to meet the accommodation deficit.

The proposals are to:

  • remodel and refurbish the existing buildings, including the frontage of the school

  • build a new teaching block

  • build a new special education needs area

  • build new external recreational areas

The proposed changes would increase the school’s capacity from 1,009 (as per the Department for Education’s database) to 1,200.

If the proposals are approved, construction of both a new teaching block and a new SEND block will be completed in the autumn term 2022.

Have your say

The consultation closed on 30 December 2020.