Sandy area - next steps

What happens after the consultation?

After the consultation concludes on December 30, the consultation feedback will be analysed, and the findings and recommendations taken forward for final Executive approval in spring 2021.

Prior to this, Members of Central Bedfordshire Council’s Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee will consider the proposed transformation and the result of the consultation on 9 March 2021.

If a decision is made to proceed with the proposals for Sandy Secondary School, formal implementation of the changes would commence during 2021, such that the new buildings are developed to provide a good physical environment for the pupils and staff. 

Sandy Secondary School and Central Bedfordshire Council would work together to make sure that disruption is minimised and that both pupils and school staff are well supported through the process of change. Maintaining the quality of education provided to children through the process of change is an absolute priority for both organisations.  

The reconfiguration of the school’s existing buildings will be phased in order to minimise disruption to the school and will be completed following the handover of the 2 new blocks.

The original school buildings will be reconfigured in order to offer more facilities for the students and increase specialist learning spaces to meet the changing demands of the curriculum.